Three items to consider

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Three items to consider

Post by ChrisKersey »

I sent these requests in as a wishlist not seeing there was a forum, sorry, but here they are again.

-- Ability to filter out directories using * expressions --
I have no need to add images, _private and *_vti directories. It would be a great enhancement if you could click the root node and set a filter to ignore stated directories when "attaching" files for the first time.

-- Context Menu: Checkout... menu item not dimmed --
When an item is marked as checked out by another user, and I right click that item, the context menu contains the "Check out..." option as available for clicking. When I click it, it queries the server before erring out with the message. Seems it would be less confusing if the menu item were just dimmed out when it appears as checked out on the listview of files. I realize because this is ftp, the status of these files isn't exactly realtime which may be one reason for not dimming it, but if the user is confident that the file shouldn't be checked out yet appears as checked out, then they should refresh right? as opposed to being allowed to attempt an operation that visually shouldn't be allowed? Just my 2 cents.

-- Check Box on Save Password Not sticking --
When I first open the application, I am presented with the login box along with other settings. Next to the password entry is a check box that says "Save Password". After checking that, and closing then opening the application, the check box is unchecked, but the password is still there as ***** so I am able to just "OK" in, but the unchecked checkbox is kind of annoying :) Perhaps you should check to see why it's not staying checked.
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Post by psguru »

-- Ability to filter out directories using * expressions --
See my reply in
-- Context Menu: Checkout... menu item not dimmed --
First of all, multiple check-out may be permitted (see Project Options | Options | Allow multiple check-outs). Second, more importantly, multiple files may be selected, in which case graying-out the menu item would require checking status of multiple files.
-- Check Box on Save Password Not sticking --
Save Password is not an option but rather a command. You need to use it only when you type a password that you want to be saved.
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