Determine what's on the left and on the right side

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Determine what's on the left and on the right side

Post by tus »


When i select 2 folders in windows explorer -> right click and choose
"compare" to compare them using "examdiff pro", i am always annoyed when
they appear on the wrong side. I.e. the file that should be on the left is on
the right in examdiff pro.

And that's when i thought about the following feature:
Maybe it would be interesting when there was a possibility to specify
a list of folder names which should always be shown on the left, and
another list of folder names which should always be shown on the right.
I am, almost always, using folder names like "orig" and "new" or "old"
and "new", and i prefer to have to "orig" of "old" folder on the left.

You could do something for filenames too, based on the name, or maybe
let the user specify that the oldest file(based on "modified" file property)
should always be on the left or not.
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Re: Determine what's on the left and on the right side

Post by psguru »

This is too complicated and unlikely to be implemented. We have instead the following feature planned for the next release (from the wish list):

Option to force comparisons (from directory comparison and Explorer context menu) with the older file/directory as first
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