Compare to...

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Compare to...

Post by MSpagni »

I just installed (32 bits) and I discovered there are problems with the "Compare to..." shell extensions.
If I select a couple of files at once or I ask "Select firsti item to compare" and then "Compare to...", the second file selected takes the place of the first and the second is left the same as in the last comparison.

Since I skipped a couple o revisions I don't know when this problem first appeared, but I hope this info is not necessary.
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Re: Compare to...

Post by psguru »

What version of Windows do you see it in?
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Re: Compare to...

Post by psguru »

Also, I tried a couple of scenarios (Compare, Select First, Compare To...), and they all work fine in Windows 10.
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Re: Compare to...

Post by MSpagni » (32 bits)... Guess the Windows version. :D
I can confirm that it's ok on Win10 (64 bits, of course).
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Re: Compare to...

Post by psguru »

Could you provide the exact steps to reproduce the issue?
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Re: Compare to...

Post by MSpagni »

Example 1:
  • select two files at wish, let's say "a.txt" and "b.txt", with the windows file manager;
  • right click on either, the local menu appears;
  • select "Compare" (the only EDP available in this case);
  • EDP does NOT start comparing as was customary but shows the file selection dialog;
  • even worse, in the "First:" position there is "b.txt" and in the "Second:" position there is whatever was there in the last comparison.
Example 2:
  • select a file at wish, let's say "a.txt";
  • right click on it, the local menu appears;
  • select "Select fisrt item to compare";
  • select another file at wish, let's say "b.txt";
  • right click on it, the local menu appears;
  • N.B. one option says "Compare to <whatever was the last comparison>" instead of, as expected, "Compare to "a.txt""!;
  • select "Compare to";
  • EDP does shows the file selection dialog; NEITHER file has anything to do with "a.txt" or "b.txt"...
Of course it was ok until not long ago, otherwise I'd have complained early. 8)
It worked fine at lest up to, maybe too, I'm not sure.

Registry keys screwed up?
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Re: Compare to...

Post by psguru »

Yes, I can confirm this issue on XP. Well, we'll have to look into it even though XP development is becoming problematic to say the least.
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